Life as a year 3 student has officially begun. I'm feeling incredibly old and jaded, it's not necessarily a bad thing, afterall everyone has to grow up some point or another. So one week of school has been over (without the tutorials) and I guess my first week of year 3 was pretty fulfilling!
Started the semester with some sweet treats from the sweetest boyfriend :) even though I was the one who made him get me some PV cupcakes hehehe :b he got us 4 cupcakes! Red velvet, lavendar honey, salted caramel, and rose pistachio - ranked in the order of my preference :D Heehe.
Attended my first lecture of the sem with R on Monday, we are taking together a GEM together :) we had initial plans to go to the gym together on Monday, however because of my handball training, he went alone while I went for handball! It was the first time I tried handball and boy, it was pretty tough for someone who hasn't exercised in a long while :/ but I shall not give up! Mission keep fit, on! After my training, we went to bishan LJS and shared a meal - hahaha eating fatty food after a round of exercising :p before I went home for (second round) dinner hahaha no wonder I keep expanding horizontally.
On Tuesday we both didn't have classes because tutorials have not started, yay! Went to Yishun to watch the girl in pinafore :) I thought that it was good, but not amazingly good. Quite funny and cute though :)
After class on Wed, R came to school to get his textbook etc, so we had lunch together at deck - YTF laksa! Waited in school for a while for his tb buyer before we headed to upp thomson for some coffee at habitat coffee!!
Also ordered a cheesecake and it was SO GOOD :') but I tried to control myself because I knew I was eating way excessively D: Ordered my fav flat white while R ordered a mocha! Chilled for a while and had nice little chat with R before I went home to shower
Headed out again in the evening to meet Veron and Sam at Spathe Public House, located at Mohammed Sultan Road (nearest MRT, clarke quay)
We ordered 3 mains to share - A seafood paella, chicken kiev style, and braised pork belly (above) which I think was the nicest! The pork belly was well-braised and very delicious :) The portions are not so big though, which was good for me that day because I ate ytf laksa + coffee & cheesecake + curry cooked by my mom all in one afternoon hahaha. Besides that, it was nice catching up and meeting old friends :)
Thursday was pretty arduous because school started from 10am and I stayed up pretty late the previous night due to small tiffs and minor unhappiness :'( So I was pretty darn exhausted the next morning. I only had one class that day, so it ended at 12 noon, however I had training at 6pm, which also means 6 hours to burn in school. Thankfully the dearest sweetheart came to accompany me even though he had no class, had lunch tgt before going to the library to SLEEP :D
He brought me a million things that day: liang teh, chocolate, inflatable pillow (??!), towel (to be used as cushion), blindfold (!!!!? hahahaha speechless) - all the things needed to provide me with a better sleeping environment in the lib, sometimes I think my boyfriend is just so silly :p but extremely thoughtful ;)
Went over to YIH to check out the recruitment drive that was ongoing, hehe bizcom remains forever in our hearts :') before I went for my handball training! 6pm to 9pm. And R came back to school to find me after having dinner with his OG at two chefs :) hehehe.
Ice cream for supper at Neli's with R!! YAY hehe green tea + earl grey flavors mwuah i love tea. :D
The next day I had class at 10am (AGAIN) sigh this semester almost all my days start at 10am. And my TGIF only starts at 6pm because my last lesson of the day is from 4 - 6pm :/ anyhows, after my lecture, I went over to park mall. Met eunice and huiyi for dinner at Kith's cafe hehehe :)
Here's my smoked duck breast sandwich, paired with my fav flat white (out of the picture) and the sandwich was very yummy! Love the combination of all of the ingredients used :)
Had talks reminiscing the past (which aren't all that long ago) and it was a really beautiful night spent with these ladies :')