Monday, November 21, 2011

Comfort food

Everyone seem to be fighting a battle with the ongoing finals, and I'm like the slackest warrior anyone can find. Need to do some serious self-reflection and re-prioritise things in my life.

I'm halfway through geography and but I'm distracted so here I am.
No matter what happens, comfort food will always cheer us up :D

the tissue paper quote ;)

Coffee Bean's Green tea ice blended
Caramel latte~

Carbonara fettucini :)

Cafe Galilee's green tea vanilla boom.

sinful plate of fried food. only liked the onion rings lol.

Coldstone's banana nut crunch specialty mix :)

monster meal, yeh i finished all these myself (except for the milo)

banana nut crunch with cold milk mega love :)

Chicken baked rice hehe.

Loved my sticky chewy chocolate, so so good.

Haha, people's reading week is for studying, mine more like for eating. heheh. food ftw.

Mood has been terribly messed up but everything will turn out fine. I just need my current headache to go away soon. Jiayou everyone. :)

Monday, November 14, 2011


I wanted to re-read some of the old messages, but I realized that they're all gone. Some weird setting of my phone, messages are only kept for a month. :(

The messages are gone forever, super sad. I remember I used to save messages long long time ago, all the words of encouragement etc from lovely people. Wonder when that habit of mine disappeared. Sometimes, a simple text message is more valuable than lengthy whatsapp/BBM conversations. Kind of miss those times when you'll send a text message and patiently wait for the other party to reply. You wait. You don't spam messages so conveniently like what we all do nowadays.

Actually, I can still remember what you said in the messages even though they are gone. Always special. But I think you won't know.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

You are the apple of my eye


This is the ultimate tear-jerker I swear. Also very very funny (and sort of sick in a way). It's a really realistic film, so true, so close to our hearts. Love, and regrets. Why can't two person who like each other be together? Big big question mark. Heh. So so glad for the spontaneous arrangement with eunice to catch this show, so damn awesome. Would love to watch it again, hehe. :)

Spent lotsa time with my dear girls (eunice charmaine huiyi) the past week, heh. Sakae sushi + manicure session on wednesday, 2359 on friday heh, but like a bad horror show lol. Love the girls, muah xx.

The chit chat session with eunice today made me think.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hot air balloon

It's not easy at all.

Y'know I keep a lot of things inside me. Sometimes they are serious deep thoughts, sometimes they are frivolous and random and childish and stupid. It's not like there isn't anyone there for me to be my listening ear or anything. But sometimes, some things just can't be told to anyone. There are implications. It's so tough. I probably need a stranger. Someone who wouldn't understand everything that I'm talking about, that'd be good. I sound like some depressed kid now who has tons of troubles or something but actually no luh I can still function well.

I don't know what happened to life really. Why are there so many different problems now. Wish I could go back to the past, nothing about heartaches, nothing about headaches. Can life be sweeter?

I'm good, don't worry. :) xx.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't waste my time

Hello, November's here.

Past week was filled with new discoveries, brings me a smile :) However, elements of unhappiness were also around, thankfully there are always aspects of my life that make everything beautiful again. Can't be beaten down. Thank you lovely people all around me. P/s I like how you dispel all awkward feelings, :)

There's always gonna be people who only starts to appreciate what they've got when they're losing them, true story.

My life is so routined on weekdays now it's like school -> home, home -> school. Heh so weekends are so precious. CAP 5.0 outing last friday: Nonsensical train rides/Artease/Hot Tomato/ Camwhore sessions/ Coldstone. Also met the most annoying boy after super long HAHA. Guess it was Friday night well-spent for me.

Also tried Ramen Champion @ Iluma for the first time over the weekend, not so awesome leh! I'm craving for real good ramen now :| Caught 'In time', amazing concept to show how life's like if time = money. Great show because gorgeous amanda seyfried is in it. hehehe. Oh and shopping is draining my assets once again. I think I spend half of my allowance on shopping each month. And I spend two-third of my allowance on food. Yeah so that means I'm facing deficit every single month. Why life like this. Hahaha. Guess it's time to block all online shopping sites. heh.

Can't wait for Sakae buffet on wednesday! Yumyum. :>