Training for work @ Taka today! Or it can be considered as first day of work? Some sort. But I'll be working at the IMM outlet from Saturday onwards. I was sucha noobie it's difficult to do all those weighing and packaging etc but it'll turn better with experience i'm sure. Except that it can be really's only 5 hours and i feel tired already.
Alright so this was how i spent my first day of 2009. Honestly, I don't think 2009 will be a good year. Doesn't appear like it'll turn out exciting (yet?). So yes now it's time for some 2009 new year resolutions:
1) Try to sleep more daily,Say... at least 8 hours per day?
2) Save up money : $500 by end of 2009!
3) Make sure I study harder...Esp if I'm going to a JC.
4) Make more friends yo buddybuddy!
5) Cut down on food & internet.
6) Spend more time with friends and family!
7) Change my erm antisocial character to become more friendly!
Wa I racked my brains to come out with seven resolutions, i suppose that it's because my brain's almost half-dead already. That's really pathetic but well. I think I'm going to do dedications hmm er so this will be a really REALLY LONG post i guess.

Jialing's bday photos! ('Am only posting two cos i'm only in this two!!LOL)
Time for dedications for 2008 ;) However no names will be mentioned this time round, good if you can find the one for yourself!! No prize for correct guessing though!
ONE: I chose to write yours first because I want to tell you that I'm really sorry. I didn't think it'd turn out like that. We weren't even close to close at all even though I've known you for so long. Then in 2008 we got closer, it was good of course. However there was a barrier between us so it'd definitely be impossible for us to cross it, you know that.
TWO: The past two years have certainly brought our friendship much closer, and i'm really thankful for that. Great that I've people that I can share secretz with and I think i love to share it best with you, because even if you don't give any comments/suggestions etc. Your perfect listening ear is always there for me, thanks.
THREE: Sometimes I wonder how I could stand you. Your silly character can make me argh frustrated at one time, and waa funny laughlaugh at the other minute. That's pretty stupid. You're a great friend, you always seem to put your friends before yourself. I salute you for that, basically because I can't, I'm a selfish person.
FOUR: I'll remember you for all those praises for me!! You are super cheesy and at times when i need laughter you're the remedy! Still remember long time ago when you said, "No one can live without you because you're the sun." You meant it the 'SHAN' of mine i know but still... i know you can't live w/o me wahaha.
FIVE: Hi best friend; I'm running out of what to say to you because obviously, you know everything i want to say to you already. You're someone who understands me pretty much well. It's like you can guess what I'm thinking, and sometimes when I don't want to tell you certain things. You wouldn't probe too much, you'll just leave it as it is and always be there for me, thanks.
SIX: Honestly I LOVE gossip talks with you. Although I don't see you as often as my other friends, it's amazing how we can actually click so well everytime still. Hopefully our friendship can continue to grow. But srsly I'm pretty bad at keeping friendships that are out of school(i have no idea why) Okay I think you'll know this is you it sounds so too obvious..
SEVEN: I think before i even start this dedication, half of my friends would have guessed who this is for. Okay so anyway YOU, thanks for..everything.
'You're everything good in my life' & that's all.
Alright dedications for 7 people only because i like the number! Sorry if you'll not included in the lucky 7! ;)
So basically 2008 was filled with ups and down, and in betweens. It has been a memorable year; started my first r/s and ended it, took O levels and left Crescent, made new friends and some friendships drifted apart etcetc.
I love 2008, deeply sincerely.
/edited @ 9.57pm.
HAPPY 2009!!!Er well. I spent the last minutes of 2008 and first minutes of 2009 at the MOST unexpected place. The Toilet. Like omfg WOW. Got back home @ around 11plus. So bythetime I went to bathe it was alrdy 11.30pm. I didn't know why i took more than 30 minutes to bathe, srsly.
Right so when I came out i was like "WHATTHEHELL." Got back to my tablet @ 12.02am with 9 convos on msn waiting for me. The supposedly excited feeling is like gone. I am freaking disappointed and upset and not a single bit excited at all!!! Like totally different from last year's. :/ I miss last year.
Alright so I spent my LAST DAY OF 2008 with the girls. Guess where we went to.....? ESCAPE THEME PARK. It's definitely enjoyable no doubt, had a long day with lovely company. Tried almost every single available rides except for the choochootrain and bumperboats!
I love the viking ship ;) & we played the flippers for SEVEN times cos i love that number~ Go Kart was nice too. Wet & Wild felt...different, idk. The rest, lazy to elaborate!
Right... I'm starting work tomorrow... what a great way to begin 2009 huh, sounds interesting? ;) I've ALOT to blog actually, srsly i'll promise to find time to do so.