How can i decide what's right?

Good morning ze sexz. (; Shift roster is out alrdy and i am working practically every single day! Mostly afternoon shifts (3.30-10plus) And and
I am working on results day. :/ But it's still alright cos i'm working in the morn till 12 noon, then back to school for results which will be out @ 2pm. Think positive way : At least work can keep my mind off results for that morning!
Anyway lack of sleep + prolonged staying in aircon-ed conditions + excessive heaty food into my tummy leads to a very very haggard me :

Like totally. Dark eye rings.. PIMPLES breakout wth sobs. Incurable dry lips. Messy hair(?) okay my hair never neat and tidy before so skip that. LOL. So yea point is that i'm looking extremely unpresentable recently, i'd probably have to hide away from all phototaking devices in time to come in order not to self-demoralise myself.

I look better like that yes? HAAHA.
OH ANYWAY, i haven't got time to shop for CNY clothings yet....! I doubt i'd have much time in any case due to work :( How how how. Anyone wants to go shopping with me?? I think my ultimate plan would be shopping online for cny clothes if i really dont have time to head out to the open world for them~ hahahah.
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