Two years ago
wow. I haven't worn my uniform for a whole two months, and i haven't walked into Crescent Girls' School for a whole two months too. Like srsly, ever since the last day of Os. omgz. So tomorrow i'm finally going back there, i miss school somehow!! :) BUT i have no idea where my uniform is already LOL gotta dig it out later on! :O
Okay uhm so my pimples are still popping out at exponential rate :/ super depressed like anything. sobs. i blame everything on work! Hahaha. Alright so i've worked for 9 consecutive days alrdy and tmrw will be the tenth. Almost died ystd due to overwhelming crowd like dizzy dizzy.
Okay uhm so my pimples are still popping out at exponential rate :/ super depressed like anything. sobs. i blame everything on work! Hahaha. Alright so i've worked for 9 consecutive days alrdy and tmrw will be the tenth. Almost died ystd due to overwhelming crowd like dizzy dizzy.
By the way, I think i love all my colleagues ;D Super awesome friends. But I seldom have the same shift with cassandra & kangxin so yeah not that close to both of them, yet!
And by the end of the entire work, i think the 8 of us will probably turn into macho people!! I'm getting more muscular now alrdy man. Y'know why? We gotta move stocks from our stall to the warehouse, which is approximately erm 370metres based on my estimation. And stocks meaning HEAVY goods.

Right, a good 20 hours more till RESULTS DAY,
Hell loads of mixed emotions.
Hopefully i'll have the courage to reveal my results here tmrw..!
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