Good morning sunshines! Happy Monday :) woke up to a fabulous start of the week right from the moment I opened my eyes hee. The pms-sy me ystd requested for a drawing from dearest dear :b and when I woke up I saw the most beautiful art piece ever,
a cute girl :3 with a sweet potayto head ♡ and colosseum background hehehe lovers in Roma mega loveee. And seconds after I admired the drawing (haven't even looked at it in detail yet), my house door bell rang
Got up from my bed reluctantly after 3 rings (hahhaha I usually need to nua on my bed for a while in the morning but this doorbell came after like 3 minutes I'm awake) and saw a mcdelivery man at the door. So stunned. Told him I didn't order anything and almost closed the door on him hahahaha best. So he showed me the delivery note as proof, sender is none other than mr Roy Ang :D crazy boy always surprising me for no reason at all :)) he also ordered a massive amount of food for me hahha I was in charge of finishing a double portioned meal all by myself - claps claps :))

extremely full by the end of it, filled with all the love wahahah #cheesy this boy is sweeter than the maple syrup I love ♡ and I've never been so amazed by his ability to predict what time I was gonna wake up like whut?? I thought I'd wake up at 9 plus but he had the delivery timed at 830am and I happen to wake up minutes before that :) too zai #respect hahaha okay I'm so into the hashtag thing recently annoying but so fun :D love playing hashtag comments w R ^^ #justsoadorable
My multi talented boyfriend doesn't just satisfy my gustatory and olfactory needs w the food, provides visual candies w his fabulous drawing, but also took care of the auditory omg hahaha this boy recorded a love song for me ♡♡♡ just listened to it otwt school hahaha really feels like he's wooing me awww ;) love is love you deserve a million and one kiss :*
Love you so much, forever and ever :))