Saturday, March 9, 2013


woop it's been a while since I've last posted here (serious lack of consistency) and it's a pity because I wish I had recorded down every single bit of loving memory accumulated during the last holiday. Maximized every opportunity to meet dear boyfee and we spent so much time together and did so much things all the way till he flew off ✈ ✈ ✈ to London on 21st Jan. which was precisely why I didn't have much time to blog anymore (nah hahaha bad excuse :b), I merely prioritize sleep/eat/tv before a lot of things.

So anyway time flew by so rapidly, I knew this was going to happen. It's already March and we have already endured 7000 miles physical distance for 7 weeks. Soon the academic calendar will come to an end, and time will pass even quicker. :) This gets me so excited because in exactly 2 months time, I'll be over at London - YES!!! Meeting R there and we shall embark on our euro tour :) Can't even express how excited I am, our first overseas trip together and it's so far away from home! The nervousness and anticipation gets me hooked and I get so smiley everytime friends discuss about the trip with me/when I randomly imagine how it would be like to be in foreign lands and just facing the boyf for 24/7 :D

So anyway here are some of the most recent photos we have together (hahaha thanks to Skype I meet Mr Ang ever so frequently),

Super loving boyfriend who spends so much time talking to me ^^ 

and in this one, R looks a bit dai dai :p 

Cute hehe :B

On good days when Skype's connection is good and I can see him so clearly :)

And ending off with this - my favourite pouty boyfee HEHEHE don't kill me I love you :*)

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