Thursday, March 14, 2013


Staying up late is no longer my thing - so so exhausted from a late night sleep ystd, cannot survive the day on merely four hours of sleep zz. And I've finally understood how power naps can help so much! Attempted to start on some readings but my body couldnt take it so had a shut eye moment which lasted only around 15 minutes, but felt soo good when i woke up! :) so amazing. My usual nap time lasts for at least an hour (oinkk :b) I love those long hour naps too hehehe

Also downloaded some random apps whilst I was bored during lectures just now, including this blogger mobile app hurray so I can do more mobile blogging whenever I'm bored :D

Dark gloomy skies, rain droplets carried by strong winds, mellowed sound of thunders - just spent a while staring out at the windows, feels like a sad kind of weather.

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