1) Movie of the week:

2) Tuesday was casual meetup with folkzz and we just chatted all the way @ Starbucks. Okay actually merely two short hours because now, we are all busy and responsible students of our various colleges. wow.
3) Wednesday I went for guitar ensemble's orientation after school. Wheeez i'm joining guitar everybodyz! :D Cool huh, and besides that, i'm also going to join interact club. Hope both CCAs will be fun-fun-cool.
4) 09SH07. Class allocation out already and i'm in 07. totally fated with my number seven :) Half the class is made up with OG1 people so it's great :) However xiangyi nurmatha joscelin etc are in 08 now sobsobz. ): Let's hope SH07 will be great still.
5) Today's after-sch-plan to crash SA was cancelled. Celebrated Kenneth's birthday @ Island Creamery instead!!! :D Great place love their icecream/cakes they're so yummy. Aw and random note: I feel like going to MadJack to eat now like cheap good food appeals to me most currently because i feel really broke. hah.
6) My house has a freaking 42inch wide LCD now at home in the living room and basically i think it sucks because it's so damnit huge I HATE IT. not like our house's big or whatever so having such a big TV is like....weird. Can't get used to it - can no longer sit right in front on the floor to watch tv anymore because the humans in the tv look so humongous like they're gonna eat you up. ho great.
7) I can't do math. I can't understand econs. Lazy.
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