Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Running away

Knock you down

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Please don't leave me
Thursday was pretty slack and simple. Went to ACJC with jialing to find melanie and jiaying after school. Saw nicky too wooz. After that we met up with zhongjie and we headed back to crescent to slackkk haha. Zhao laoshi went back with us hehe and she said that 2s1'06 is the cutest class she've ever taught (: Real sweet. But she still calls me bian hui shan .... grrr embarrassing joke since sec two booo.
I skipped school on Friday. Haha. Wanted to go cck stadium to support ashwin at first but missed his race :/ So after that kenneth & i went to Cat High to find Kwanhong. Stayed there till 1pm then Kenneth & i went to cityhall to meet yuxin & yeeting. HAHA PW FTW. we damn steady manz we actually met up for the sake of PW wow :D
Yuxin & Yeeting left then the two of us walked around cityhall for awhile, then went to PS to meet up with friday usuals(w/o the guys). Dinnered at Ajisen. Kenneth got along pretty well with the girls since we're all sisters yoz LOL. Bought Meadow Gold's cookies and cream icecream for Candice and all of us shared [: Nicenice.
Went back with Jiaying Samuel and Ben after everythingz at around 10plus. Then met Kwanhong @ Lot1 to do GP :O hahahaha. Can't believe that we're actl meeting up at like 10plus at night to do freaking gp and feels so random cos i thought he was just kidding at first LOLZ. i think we're cool shitz.
Saturday(today), I woke up at 4-ish in the morn', met Shijia and headed over to Tiong Macs for breakfast with HsunI and Sam as well. Hotcakes w Saussage wheee.
After that back to CRESCENT for 53rd Speech Day.

okay sorry, seems like i'm getting pretty long-winded.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Not meant to be
Speech day today. All the council elects made their speeches etc, and to be honest the entire day was a waste of time. Ha ha. But it's good cos there's no lessons :D Yaye I think 09sh07 is such an AWESOME class we are the only class in NJ that cheers?? Like srsly. SO COOL LIKE THAT.
Went to Lot1 with shakshak kenneth sabrina and andrew after school. Lunched at Subway then shak and sabrina left first. Then kenneth andrew and i walked around in Lot1's NTUC haha till like 5.

AND I FOUND THIS. :D Hi candice if you're reading this, you know this is for you. I'll get the real one for you soon hehe.
I miss them. I don't know how to start.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
You and I both

After that we went to SSC and had a whole load of laughters and fun over there. We were so damn freaking random we srsly just made fun out from everything we saw. And we actually stayed in Daiso for 1 hour plus? :D DAMN QIANG. Homed at around 9 plus hehe fun day, i like.
Friday was GOOD FRIDAY.
Mugged @ KAP in the morn' hahaha after that bussed to Plaza Sing. Shopping was mainly done in Cotton On & Cotton On Body hehe walked around for a while after that. Ate at Pasta Mania.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Alphabet bitches
I was stranded outside my house today for a full 2.5hours at least. The stupid lift cocked up so the only way to get home was through the back door, but I DONT HAVE THE KEYS WITH ME so in the end I was stuck outside the lift sigh. Thank god I had bestfriend and a few others to bug HEHE THANKS anyone else willing to entertain me next time? Please kindly let me know:D Alright so at least I wasn't that bored afterall and good thing shakshak lent me her charger in school today so my phone could last me till i got home! 8D
Will be meeting Shijia tmrw can't wait hehe i miss her truckkkloads. (L)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The climb
Saturday, April 4, 2009
conversation with myself
Thursday I returned back to school.I found out the reason why i hated __ so much. After school went to Bras Basah with yeeting and liuxin cos liuxin needed to get her guitar. Then yeeting and i went to bugis, met up with HsunI after that :D Had ice cream for dinner wooo. Had to return back to sch for drumming fusion at 7.30pm after that and it was actually quite fun HAHA [: My friday was really messed up this week. Official classes actually ended at 11am because lit and pw were cancelled. Left school once the gate opens @ 1pm, rushed home to meet mummy then went for dental appt it's been a looong time since i last went to the dentist. & YAYE NO CAVITIES :D Haha the checkup was really fast like 10minutes+ only heh. Then had to rush back to school for malay at 4pm. wooo.
After malay went grandstand to find nicky theyall for a while before leaving for SA :D Life concert was not bad, except that it's way too long I WAS STARVING. hahaaha leyi was damn stony even during dance super cutez. Dinner at broadway after that; reached home at 11plus12 AND I WAS SO TIRED. used the computer for a while and apparently i fell asleep halfway through HAHA bad choice to lie on the bed when using the comp :O