3 papers down 2 more to go :D Can't wait for Thursday because thurs = freedom + hello to long weekend (fri + sat + sun + mon) Yippie yah-yahz.
I've been having troubles falling asleep these few days. :( Retarded. HATE IT LIKE THAT. and I'm dropping hair like crazy recently urgh. Eating damn a lot too. HA HA sounds like i'm going to be a bald fatso with huge eyebags bad complexion. :/
Aiya nothing to blog haha okay bye!!!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
First offfff, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKI WANG HSUN I !!!!! (: Hehe can't wait to meet girlies to celebrate birthdays on thursday/friday :D Okay but I hafta go shopping for pressies wheee.
Next, caught Transformers 2 with family last night! Gosh the whole cinema was filled.
It was really good (: Except that it is really very long like 2.5 hours WOAH. Power manz.
My fave robot inside hehe WHEELIE he's damn cute and stupid HAHA me like it muahz.
Next, caught Transformers 2 with family last night! Gosh the whole cinema was filled.

Ordered Mac delivery for dinner and I'm superly fullz. YIPPIE watching bai wan da ge xin on channel 54 now I think I lead a damn good life (Y)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
New divide
Met up with bobby and ben @ J8 ystd(26June) - collected J's cake :D Headed over to ECP Haha wa walked a damn long way before we reached Area D. BBQ + JANE'S SURPRISE PARTY.
I managed to start the fire with shak they all by THROWING matchsticks in ha ha ha :D Cool like that I am so pro, yaye. Played pass the parcel and everyone(i think) got a forfeit!
However the BBQ didn't end very well - a lot of food wasted, shak lost her itouch, etc etc ):

Okay nvm hehe group pic!!! :D
After that bobby and I walked along the beach, climbed up the breakwater and i kicked a stupid rock then my big toe started bleeding a lot ouchz! But it was okay after bobby sprayed water to clean it + put on plaster for me :D He gave me a second month present hehe and it was a heart shaped metal puzzle thingyyy to solve - kill my brain cells only! Hmmm reached home at 1225am, over the curfew of 12mn :/ Haha but i'm still really happy hehe love bobbyz (: Happy 2nd month!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Cold day in the sun
HEY everyone my internet is FINALLY back. I miss the cyber world soooo much! :D :D :D Now I can continue playing my bb on fb wheeez.
Anyway yesterday I went to fix the modem @ Paya Lebar. But sadly I got lost and landed at some idk what amber road when I'm supposed to be at playfair road zzz. In the end I cabbed there hehe phew. After that went to AMK hubz to meet Bobby.
Caught Ghosts of Girlfriends' Past (:
Oh and met upz with xy earlier this weeeeek went shoppingz yayez :D okay window shopping more like it, didn't buy a lot of stuffz cos I am too brokeee. I want allowance during hols tooooo ): haha!
OKAY AND SCHOOL IS REOPENING SOON - I need to start studying HA HA but I'm too lazy so it's probably impossible for me to start mugging hehez. I haven't even finished reading WH and TG wth I think I'm da best. Grr whateverz I think I'll only study for promos wooo
YAYE my eyes are shutting I need to sleep again.
Anyway yesterday I went to fix the modem @ Paya Lebar. But sadly I got lost and landed at some idk what amber road when I'm supposed to be at playfair road zzz. In the end I cabbed there hehe phew. After that went to AMK hubz to meet Bobby.
Caught Ghosts of Girlfriends' Past (:
Oh and met upz with xy earlier this weeeeek went shoppingz yayez :D okay window shopping more like it, didn't buy a lot of stuffz cos I am too brokeee. I want allowance during hols tooooo ): haha!
OKAY AND SCHOOL IS REOPENING SOON - I need to start studying HA HA but I'm too lazy so it's probably impossible for me to start mugging hehez. I haven't even finished reading WH and TG wth I think I'm da best. Grr whateverz I think I'll only study for promos wooo
YAYE my eyes are shutting I need to sleep again.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Before the storm
Hi peepoz I'm back!!! :D Feelss like I haven't been online for so longz HAHA. :D Anyway I have a lot to blog about and a lot of pictures! But blogger not cooperating so yeahz cant post up allz :/
Watched Drag Me to Hell on Wednesday (: Cool shitz it's funny and scary.
Land of the Lost on Thursday! (: wa the movie is kind of sick LOLZ

I know I know, V rockzxzxz.

walaoz my only proper picture with Hsun I but I wasn't looking.
Samz :D

Happy birthday!! :D
Walked bobby to the busstop after that (: Haha must 've been a tiring day for him!!
Went back to the hotel not long after that with Alvin and mummyz. :D Cool our room's on the SEVENTH floor wheeee awesomez. Bathed and everything haha and it was so scary lah because I heard weird singing zzz then I didn't dare to bathe, wts LOL.
The toilet was open concept!!!! So we could see whoever's bathing/shitting inside OMG :O

Okay now Friday : Pictures not in order sorry. G3 outing HAHA 6 of us (Me Sam Hsun I Leyi Yeewen Teran) wheee went cycling!!

I know I know, V rockzxzxz.

After ECP, cabbed to Tampines Mall to meet Bobby (The rest went for dinner!!) Played hide and seek with Bobby for so long because we were in two DIFFERENT malls wa.. He was at Tampines One not TM. BEST.
Then we took bus to the Changi Clubhouse for Daki's birthday BBQ. lolol I kept eating non-stop. :D
Walked bobby to the busstop after that (: Haha must 've been a tiring day for him!!
Went back to the hotel not long after that with Alvin and mummyz. :D Cool our room's on the SEVENTH floor wheeee awesomez. Bathed and everything haha and it was so scary lah because I heard weird singing zzz then I didn't dare to bathe, wts LOL.
no lah got curtain. LOL
Watched P2 on StarMovies till 2am and it was a really scary show NC16 but alvin still watched. Haha horrible. Didn't fall asleep until like an hour later. Daki only came back at 6plus haha best!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Fly with me
Met up with the girls ystd but hsun i didn't come. Lunched @ Subway (cine) first. Chicken terriyaki wooo. But their service really sucked ttm, the workers have ultimate bad attitude. Haha nevermind. Saw Caleb with his gugu there too like damn coolz, wished him Happy Birthday :D
Then... we watched Dance Subaru omg it is freaking nice. MUST WATCH. Act 1 is so touching I swear. And the lead actress is like gorgeous!! Okay so yes it's a really good movie.

We went to take neoprints after the movie. Omg damn long since we took neoprints and we were like damn stress HAHA cos forgot what we're supposed to do. Siao almost got heart attack manz. HEHE but it's fun :D Hmm then Shijia left first after that. Hehe then leyi sam and i walked to royal plaza there to send sam for her hi tea session lollol.
Then leyi and I went to shop at fareast! Got 3 new pairs of earrings. 2 new coin pouch. :D Then Bobby reached, leyi left. Walked all the way to Orchard Central haha quite coolz it's still very empty. Saw Ms Loo there HAHA but didn't say hiz. haha!
After that was stupid haha didn't talk from orchard central all the way to cck! Sorry baby (: After all that silly stuff everything was damn good. (okay maybe except stupid laser and sneaky heads peeping LOL) Must 've been the funnest night ever - added under my favourites!! hahaha i love you sweets! :D
Monday, June 15, 2009
1. Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the football before helping around the house.
3. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
4. A Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer quickly to No 9 for the meaning of nothing.)
5. That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man.That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
6. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add a clause here - This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’, which is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’ - that will bring on No. 7).
7. Whatever: Is a woman’s way of saying, “F— YOU!”
8. Don’t worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to No. 4.
9. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in “Fine”.
2. Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the football before helping around the house.
3. Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don’t Do It!
4. A Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer quickly to No 9 for the meaning of nothing.)
5. That’s Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man.That’s okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
6. Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you’re welcome. (I want to add a clause here - This is true, unless she says ‘Thanks a lot’, which is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say ‘you’re welcome’ - that will bring on No. 7).
7. Whatever: Is a woman’s way of saying, “F— YOU!”
8. Don’t worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking ‘What’s wrong?’ For the woman’s response refer to No. 4.
9. Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in “Fine”.
-From FLB
"Love is like an earthquake - unpredictable, a little scary. But when the hard part is over, you’ll realize how lucky you truly are." - unknown, heartsonsleeve.tumblr
Hello prettygirls and prettyboys out there. :D Today will be an awesome day! Bobby is gonna return from camp, finally.
Haven't been using my phone very much these few days. because SMS limit has already exceeded -.- So I'm trying my best not to text people until the 22nd. Oh well. I can do it (: I don't really like to reply a lot of people's msges anyway hehe I'm weird like that. I can live without a phone(I think)!
Alwrightz anyway, went to si jiu jiu's new house just now. Carrie's birthday! :D haha I always feel old with those kidsz around HAHA like I can't really appreciate spongebob squarepants on nickelodeon anymore. Funny. But great I got a party-bag with goodies inside LOL nice nice.
Wheee 2.23am now shall try to sleep soon!! I take like few damn hours to fall asleep nowadays and that sucks.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Circle of love

Ystd(Thurs) - went to Junction 8 for PW meeting! Coincidentally saw bobby and his buddyz there too haha. Okay anyway Kenneth Yeeting and I met up first then Doralyn joined us after that. Coffee Beans for PW date :D Pure double choc is yummyz SO MUCH BETTER than someone's disgusting black forest. Ha ha but I actually poured way too much chocolate powder into Kenneth's drink oppz sorry HAHA. Shifted our base to KFC after that! Discussed a lil while more then meeting ended :D I hate PW yucks.
After that met up with Bobby. Usual slacking session but ystd no more fitness corner cos it was taken. Wa bobby was being a total asshead ystd because he refused to grant me my wish sigh! Yep yep then home sweet home at ten. Okay now that idiot is away for another camp. This time round 4 freaking days ): Stewpidzxz. Oh yes and bobby reminded me it's our seventh week like so coolz Happy seventh week qt3142! :D
Alright time to bathe and prepare to meet up with SEXBOMBZXZ bye!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Birthday sex
Life's a climb but the view is great (;

Sweeties :D I think today's AWESOME. Kbox with Jialing and Zhongjie (11am - 2pm) @ Marina Square haha long time since we've been thereee. After Kbox Jiaying and Candice joined us wheeee. I likey likey.
Did some shopping - 'Am REALLY happy about the pair of clubmarc shoes I've gotten :D Wanted the other loafer-pumps pair at first but no size! D:

Awesome cute right and it's cheappppppp like 15 bucks it's a steal! :D
HEHEHEHE. HAIRPEE like nothing. Oh I got myself some hair accessories too I like the hairtie we bought they are so cuteeez ((: And I got myself a hairband/headband thingy. OMG i must learn to save moneh.

Okay anyway after that zhongjie left after lunch @ Macs. Then the 4 of us went to watch Hannah Montana The Movie!!!!! Srsly didn't expect it to be good at all.

Actually I think the main reason why the movie's good is because of.....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Come in with the rain
1. I cut my hair - Pretty short nao but I think it's good and definitely worth the money (SGD 3.80) cheap or what? The hairstyle looks just like before except that it's shorter but bobby says it's ugly!!! Idiot.
2. ECP guitar outing on Thursday was pretty coolz. However I HATE the fact that nurmatha and I took bloody 3 damn hours to get there because we stupidly got lost...sigh. Haha and only four SH1s turned up... But well the games were fun. Luv the sun luv the beach.
3. Now I have ugly tanlines on my back and annoying sunburn grrrr.
4. Went jialing's house on friday and slacked there (her sofa FTW srsly) played her DS shitz I love GTA!! Awesomez wheee
5. Met up with Veron for dinner after that - My godz the both of us ate up 75 bucks.
6. Starbucks with xinyi on Saturday to gossip + talk about life HAHA good job
7. Last meet up with Bobby before he leaves for his retarded camps and time flew by horribly fast. Will miss this idiot hell a lot.. I swear I'm going to bleach him if he comes back chaoda like soot. heh.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
All the above
Ystd (1 June)
Went back to school for math in the morning!! Die we're having a new teacher for semester 2 'cause mr teo is only gonna teach the SH2s. waaa I won't mind if the new teacher is mr TCY but sadly no it's some unknown IP teacher ms chan (and heard that she isn't good at all) shizzz.
Christabel and I bumped into Kenneth and his friends while we were randomly walking around waiting for some lost kiddo to find his way to cine. Sigh in the end I still had to walk out to fetch dumbass lim kwan hong to the right place. Oh anyway Kenneth pierced his left ear wooohza. coolz
Watched Monsters VS Aliens, movie was soso but the characters are realllly cutez especially bob i luv him (: Hmm, lunched at KFC then fiona left. Then we walked to taka for free yoghurt treat yumyumz Thanks Kenneth :D
bobby lim sent me homez and he granted me 3 wishes heh. Oh & I found out that my boyf actually has pretty eyes haha that makes him more gayyy oh no! :P hehe i luv wasting time with bobbyzx till like 11ish but then that means he has no bus home sorrryz sigh if only we stayed nearer to each other and not like 11 mrt stops apart!!
Wheee okay bye toots time for breakfast!!
P.S Happy birthday Huaiching and Nicky! (:
Went back to school for math in the morning!! Die we're having a new teacher for semester 2 'cause mr teo is only gonna teach the SH2s. waaa I won't mind if the new teacher is mr TCY but sadly no it's some unknown IP teacher ms chan (and heard that she isn't good at all) shizzz.
Christabel and I bumped into Kenneth and his friends while we were randomly walking around waiting for some lost kiddo to find his way to cine. Sigh in the end I still had to walk out to fetch dumbass lim kwan hong to the right place. Oh anyway Kenneth pierced his left ear wooohza. coolz
Watched Monsters VS Aliens, movie was soso but the characters are realllly cutez especially bob i luv him (: Hmm, lunched at KFC then fiona left. Then we walked to taka for free yoghurt treat yumyumz Thanks Kenneth :D
bobby lim sent me homez and he granted me 3 wishes heh. Oh & I found out that my boyf actually has pretty eyes haha that makes him more gayyy oh no! :P hehe i luv wasting time with bobbyzx till like 11ish but then that means he has no bus home sorrryz sigh if only we stayed nearer to each other and not like 11 mrt stops apart!!
Wheee okay bye toots time for breakfast!!
P.S Happy birthday Huaiching and Nicky! (:
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