Ystd(Thurs) - went to Junction 8 for PW meeting! Coincidentally saw bobby and his buddyz there too haha. Okay anyway Kenneth Yeeting and I met up first then Doralyn joined us after that. Coffee Beans for PW date :D Pure double choc is yummyz SO MUCH BETTER than someone's disgusting black forest. Ha ha but I actually poured way too much chocolate powder into Kenneth's drink oppz sorry HAHA. Shifted our base to KFC after that! Discussed a lil while more then meeting ended :D I hate PW yucks.
After that met up with Bobby. Usual slacking session but ystd no more fitness corner cos it was taken. Wa bobby was being a total asshead ystd because he refused to grant me my wish sigh! Yep yep then home sweet home at ten. Okay now that idiot is away for another camp. This time round 4 freaking days ): Stewpidzxz. Oh yes and bobby reminded me it's our seventh week like so coolz Happy seventh week qt3142! :D
Alright time to bathe and prepare to meet up with SEXBOMBZXZ bye!
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