Monday, June 15, 2009


"Love is like an earthquake - unpredictable, a little scary. But when the hard part is over, you’ll realize how lucky you truly are." - unknown, heartsonsleeve.tumblr

Hello prettygirls and prettyboys out there. :D Today will be an awesome day! Bobby is gonna return from camp, finally.

Haven't been using my phone very much these few days. because SMS limit has already exceeded -.- So I'm trying my best not to text people until the 22nd. Oh well. I can do it (: I don't really like to reply a lot of people's msges anyway hehe I'm weird like that. I can live without a phone(I think)!

Alwrightz anyway, went to si jiu jiu's new house just now. Carrie's birthday! :D haha I always feel old with those kidsz around HAHA like I can't really appreciate spongebob squarepants on nickelodeon anymore. Funny. But great I got a party-bag with goodies inside LOL nice nice.

Wheee 2.23am now shall try to sleep soon!! I take like few damn hours to fall asleep nowadays and that sucks.

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