Hi y'all.. i'm really tired today .. hmm. Seems like i've been tired almost every single day because i'm always surviving each day with 2-5 hours of sleep. It's annoying like that because I'm really tired physically, but always not enough time to sleep!! Have to go out in the day, talk to people at night. I sound really busy, but nah just take it as bad time management. LOL, i should cut down on social life online. K I guess i've said this a million times before already but wow I'm still addicted to the computer once i get home and stay online till late. Stupid like that.
Today's a great fun exercising day with Sam Jialing Candice Jiaying Shijia :) Basically we played bball at noon. Then went for bowling. & then pooled. After that we swam/played in water for approx 1.5hours. Finally dinner @ like 8pm and when i reached home i missed part of little nyonya already grahz sadz LOL. i'm lazy to blog out the details but in short we really had fun and laughed a lot, love you girls (;
Oh sillysilly guess whutz tomorrow is 31stDecember already. That's like the LAST day of 2008 :) I really want to do some dedications thing, or some reflections about the year 2008, really have a lot to say actually. But I'm afraid I might not have the time/energy to do so... 'Am really exhausted today and tmrw will be a whole day out thing again I guess and that equals no chance to blog out what I want. :/ But i'll still try to, tmrw!!
It's so fast. A year passed.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Think of you later
28th Dec: Happy Birthday JIALING!!! finally sixteen! :D Had piano that day, so only reached her house for the bday celebration @ around 4plus. Played etc and reached home at 10plus!! :) No pictures till bday girl sends it!
I've been mildly camera-shy lately :/ Haven't brought out the cam in a long time, okay maybe not camera shy, just that i'm freaking too lazy to go recharge the dead cam. LOL. Hi, meet the lazy me (;
29th Dec(today): Out with Sam Jialing and Shijia, The Cathay again forI've been mildly camera-shy lately :/ Haven't brought out the cam in a long time, okay maybe not camera shy, just that i'm freaking too lazy to go recharge the dead cam. LOL. Hi, meet the lazy me (;
It's hilariously nice haha. Didn't think it'd be good initially but since there weren't any other movie timings we could catch, hahaha so yeah i'm glad to say i liked it :D
PS later for ice mango @ Ice Monster. Am declaring my sian-ness for PS alrdy :O but i still like PS though, omg contradicting... walked to orchard area after that, still as bored rahh and i'm gonna go back to town on thursday. Wow.
I think it's time for a change ;)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
First thing : I managed to get an exchange for the white watch alrdy LOL it's more suitable for me than the black one according to the girls! ;)
Met up with them ystd(26thDec) , guess where we went? TOWN. Yeah so much too often i'm getting sick of it alrdy.. but for the sake of our plan of presents shopping, we still went to orchard. First two presents were relatively efficiently decided! The last one caused a headache...we combed almost the entire orchard from fareast all the way till centrepoint.
Felt so tired & sian because I only slept two hours that day. Thankz to some phonecalls !!! >:/ But nehmind it's actually usual for me, just that ystd was more tired because of the crowd that's always seems to be moving in the opposite direction of us, freak :O
Byebyed & went to PS before heading for The Cathay.
Followed by Transporter 3,
Met up with them ystd(26thDec) , guess where we went? TOWN. Yeah so much too often i'm getting sick of it alrdy.. but for the sake of our plan of presents shopping, we still went to orchard. First two presents were relatively efficiently decided! The last one caused a headache...we combed almost the entire orchard from fareast all the way till centrepoint.
Felt so tired & sian because I only slept two hours that day. Thankz to some phonecalls !!! >:/ But nehmind it's actually usual for me, just that ystd was more tired because of the crowd that's always seems to be moving in the opposite direction of us, freak :O
Byebyed & went to PS before heading for The Cathay.
Midnight shows!!

By then we were almost dying from tiredness and so i actually didn't get the whole part of the movie, sadly. But it still has the typical action-pack cool element in it of course.
After the movies it was only 3plus am!! Still v early so we found a place to sit down and just talked/rested all the way. Just good like that. :) Left dhoby ghaut at around 6.30am? Went home & slept from like 8am-11am approximately. 3 hours is not sufficient!! I need more sleep.. Okay so i shouldn't talk too much anymore gooodbye (;
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Last Christmas
X'mas eve was spent... unluckily? But it was still good somehow because it was spent with darling girlfriends ;) However I was tired tired tired because i've only slept for a total of 3.5hours in TWO days. Pathetic.
Met up with Sam & Hsun i first @ Cityhall station. Unlucky #01 : My Esprit bag's strap BROKE. wth my $70+ just flew away like that. )": super depressing and I had to carry my bag like a baby (until Shijia saved me with her bag strap!)
Unlucky #02 : Hsun I lost something really important to her and she was so so sad ): Sigh... Like, what a christmas (eve) ~ Hahaa.
Okay anw after that we went to marina square for bowling!! Their charges were extorbitant..hahaha and we were like some noobiez playing among those pros. :p && I was ultra nooobo because my first 4 balls were gg, all entered the hole almost immediately! :/
However when the game ended I HAD THE HIGHEST SCORE :D Me is awesome, awesome is me!!! Went arcade for a while, then headed to dhoby ghaut.
Unlucky #03 : The dhoby ghaut's Sakae didn't have the buffet thing! :/
So we went to the Sakae @ ParkMall to sit down first while waiting for Shijia & Leyi to arrive! Then I went to PS to find veron at work to buy her stuffz etc. Then went back to find the rest to eat! :D
Then at 6plus went back to PS. Really wanted to get the WHITE colour watch but no stock. Unlucky #04: White watch was horribly hard to find ): Veron and i even walked to the centrepoint outlet but NO MORE TOO. :/
Took so long and finally decided to just get the black one instead, i love it the same! I'm intending to search many more outlets because i can change it within seven days of purchase! Hsun i and i bought the same watch we have couple watches WOOHOOO :D
Finally left PS at 7plus, took train to clarke quay to play candles!!
Unlucky #05: IT WAS RAINING wth so candles no more ): SAD TTM.
So we just slacked @ the central.
Okay so after that hsun i left first. Then the rest of us walked around and rested more before we left for bishan's HDB void decks.. TO PLAY OUR CANDLES HARHAR. damn determined. :O
Unlucky #06 : The policeman came and told us that we cant play coz we might damage govt's property!! But it was funny though that convo. LOL
So in the end we went back home. On the way home i kept telling shijia to ask me what time was it, so i can look at my watch and tell her the time :D AND THEN I STUPIDLY MISSED CCK STATION. Laughoutloudzx. woooo reached home at like 12mn hahaha MerrrrryChristmas :D
So in the end we went back home. On the way home i kept telling shijia to ask me what time was it, so i can look at my watch and tell her the time :D AND THEN I STUPIDLY MISSED CCK STATION. Laughoutloudzx. woooo reached home at like 12mn hahaha MerrrrryChristmas :D
Finally Unlucky #07: For the watch issue...we checked PS outlet, Centrepoint outlet, Central's outlet, J8 outlet. and NONE of them have anymore white watches :/ I'm going to lot1's one to check later hopefully they have it!! (But actually I'm kinda getting used to the black one alrdy!!)
p/s I'm sorry this post seems so messy and so long!!
p/p/s JIALING's back from hokkaido HEEHE with pretty pretty snowflakes that have sadly already melted into liquid state. :O
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Stay my baby
Edit @ 8.18pm
Wooohoo I'm back ;) So in the end I still didn't get any sleep... I finally dozed off on my bed at like 9am. Then 30 minutes later, a phone call woke me up and I was awake again. But.... I'm officially employed!!! Will start job next year in jan.. Hahaha it's like some retail assistance for CNY candies!! :D
Okay anyway, met up with Sam @ CCK first then headed to Shijia's house! We went to NTUC to get the ingredients etc first because Leyi overslept!! hahaha. Okay so we had A LOT of fun and A LOT MORE mess crushing the biscuits, cooking the cheese, adding the correct amt of ingredients ETC.
And.... our hardwork paid off and we got awesome OREO CHEESECAKES :D Holyshitz I tried it and i love it!! (: Really glad that my first cheesecake-attempt didn't fail me. Wheeee ;)
Okay I'm so tired now since I'm like facing severe lack of sleep tday. :/
Okay anyway, met up with Sam @ CCK first then headed to Shijia's house! We went to NTUC to get the ingredients etc first because Leyi overslept!! hahaha. Okay so we had A LOT of fun and A LOT MORE mess crushing the biscuits, cooking the cheese, adding the correct amt of ingredients ETC.
And.... our hardwork paid off and we got awesome OREO CHEESECAKES :D Holyshitz I tried it and i love it!! (: Really glad that my first cheesecake-attempt didn't fail me. Wheeee ;)
Okay I'm so tired now since I'm like facing severe lack of sleep tday. :/
8D Heyhizhello, it's 6am now. & I haven't even slept yet, o.O I went to bed at around 4am and tried to sleep but was however rejected entry into my dreamland ): My stomach feels so...queasy and uncomfortable so I can't fall asleep. In addition to that, I was thinking about a lot of things as well so all the more I stayed wide awake. Hmmm. So finally decided to get out of bed at 5plus and tada i'm here now!
Will be meeting the girls later on tday!! Heeehe will be making cheesecake - i'm very excited okay it's my first time!! Can't wait to meet them and I'm so gonna tell them things : Can't wait can't wait :)
Sigh there's like no one online for me to talk to now :/ Yeah like obviously hoh everyone's probably happily sleeping like a logcake now!! Nevermind at least I still have my TV with me to keep me company :D Right... it's gonna be daytime soon and I think daddy&mummy are gonna wake up soon. Hmm kay, will update here again later on!!:D
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The little things
ni hao. :D I don't know why but it seems like I haven't been here for quite a while although it has only been merely two days! Hahaha i've been too into blogging over at my livejournal that's why! I'm running out of things to blog down here.. So i went to change my blogskin again, suits the festive season hoh :)
Haha 'am looking forward to christmas eve + christmas!! But I have NO IDEA why it's so...jinx. Or coincidental if it sounds nicer. Why always a case of missing people when it's nearing x'mas one!! Sad ttm T.T But it's okay...I'm still gonna enjoy my x'mas wheeee. I love christmas cards, christmas presents, and christmas hugs! :D
I think I need to get a new laptop soon. My gut feeling tells me that my tablet is gonna breakdown pretty soon...the sound coming out from it, the extremely low disk space, and the major retardation of ram speed.. Woah. it's time soon, Haha tablet's almost four years old!! HAHA LOL oh and i'm glad it's 21st tday!! [:
Haha 'am looking forward to christmas eve + christmas!! But I have NO IDEA why it's so...jinx. Or coincidental if it sounds nicer. Why always a case of missing people when it's nearing x'mas one!! Sad ttm T.T But it's okay...I'm still gonna enjoy my x'mas wheeee. I love christmas cards, christmas presents, and christmas hugs! :D
I think I need to get a new laptop soon. My gut feeling tells me that my tablet is gonna breakdown pretty soon...the sound coming out from it, the extremely low disk space, and the major retardation of ram speed.. Woah. it's time soon, Haha tablet's almost four years old!! HAHA LOL oh and i'm glad it's 21st tday!! [:
Friday, December 19, 2008
Faith won't fail
Out for almost the entire day tday! Met Leyi & Hsun i @ novena first. Walked around velocity > united square for a bit and played hide and seek with Sam who got lost Hahaha! After that decided to go to michelle's house first and waited for the delivery man to come! After that we got hungry so the 4 of us went back to united square's Pizza Hut for lunch :D Thanks Hsuni!!! Sam's mood was ... cranky. Ok I don't know what word to use but heee at least we made her laugh after that (;
Went for a 'job interview' after lunch and erm. My first so-called interview LOL and I hope I get the job Hahaha I NEED MONEY $.$ Back to mich's thereafter.
Back and debbie they all were already starting the fire etc. we went to the karaoke room to sing for abit and most of the MVs were funnaye. Then went back to eat etc. Went to the pool too! To soak ourselves in there, sorta. It was too cold to swim :O So we just sat in the pool to talk:) Cold but I like.
Then we went to cook food! Haha I'm v proud of my nuggets ok SO NICE LOL. But after that no fire. zz. Hahaha. Back to the pool for beancurd! After that then we went to change out of our wet outfits and headed home.
Cabbed home and reached at like 11pm. I smell of charcoal :B Haha am so tired now but still decided to blog cos i'm hopelessly bored currently... Hah maybe i shall go sleep sooon ?
Went for a 'job interview' after lunch and erm. My first so-called interview LOL and I hope I get the job Hahaha I NEED MONEY $.$ Back to mich's thereafter.
Back and debbie they all were already starting the fire etc. we went to the karaoke room to sing for abit and most of the MVs were funnaye. Then went back to eat etc. Went to the pool too! To soak ourselves in there, sorta. It was too cold to swim :O So we just sat in the pool to talk:) Cold but I like.
Then we went to cook food! Haha I'm v proud of my nuggets ok SO NICE LOL. But after that no fire. zz. Hahaha. Back to the pool for beancurd! After that then we went to change out of our wet outfits and headed home.
Cabbed home and reached at like 11pm. I smell of charcoal :B Haha am so tired now but still decided to blog cos i'm hopelessly bored currently... Hah maybe i shall go sleep sooon ?
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Closet full of clothes
Cut/trimmed my hair ystd @ Bukit Batok. Awful fringe it's too thin Haha but nehmind it'll grow. :D
Caught Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist @ Cathay today.
Haha don't know why it's NC16 though.

Haha don't know why it's NC16 though.
Have been so lazy to elaborate on posts for the past few days so yupz bear w the super summarized entrys. I'm gonna face financial crisis sooner or later.... Freaking damn broke my personal savings have actually dipped to $2xx alrdy THIS IS CRISIS.
I'm depressed wth so much for planning for the bbq tmrw i'm irritated. -.-
I am gonna rant so skip this if you like: It's damn mafan i h8 it man. Emailed/Called the bbq wholesaler SO much this two days and finally settled on the orders. 've transferred the $$ over to them early this morn' (since i'm gonna go out in the noon tday) and then i was supposed to get a reply BUT I HAVEN'T GOT IT TILL NOW. kns. I texted them etc when i was out BEFORE 6pm , no replies still. By the time I got home i called and wtfs after 6pm = CLOSED. (!!!?)
Bloody pray that they'll get back to me by tmrw morn if not i swear i'm gonna curse and swear and sue them for eating up my money! & I feel damn tired of texting ppl to tell them meeting time etcetc IT'S TIRING. ZZ. Plus my free-sms limit has horribly exceeded this month. No point for me to send stupid msges to people right? Yeah so forget it.
WAKAOZ my ear is freaking swollen now hurrrrrr since ystd. Thanks to alvin's punch/box wtv. Painful to the max it's swollen for a whole good 24hrs alrdy and it's still the same. damn it's worse than the day when i pierced my ear and thankz i actually got a scolding from my daddy for piercing my cartilage Just So Because I Complained That It Is Pain. -.- Where's the freedom of speech man?!
I'm depressed wth so much for planning for the bbq tmrw i'm irritated. -.-
I am gonna rant so skip this if you like: It's damn mafan i h8 it man. Emailed/Called the bbq wholesaler SO much this two days and finally settled on the orders. 've transferred the $$ over to them early this morn' (since i'm gonna go out in the noon tday) and then i was supposed to get a reply BUT I HAVEN'T GOT IT TILL NOW. kns. I texted them etc when i was out BEFORE 6pm , no replies still. By the time I got home i called and wtfs after 6pm = CLOSED. (!!!?)
Bloody pray that they'll get back to me by tmrw morn if not i swear i'm gonna curse and swear and sue them for eating up my money! & I feel damn tired of texting ppl to tell them meeting time etcetc IT'S TIRING. ZZ. Plus my free-sms limit has horribly exceeded this month. No point for me to send stupid msges to people right? Yeah so forget it.
WAKAOZ my ear is freaking swollen now hurrrrrr since ystd. Thanks to alvin's punch/box wtv. Painful to the max it's swollen for a whole good 24hrs alrdy and it's still the same. damn it's worse than the day when i pierced my ear and thankz i actually got a scolding from my daddy for piercing my cartilage Just So Because I Complained That It Is Pain. -.- Where's the freedom of speech man?!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Call the shots

K that's all too lazy to blog & I've changed my blogskin :D But I still want a nicer one!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
I'm so into you

Oh yes and I've finally removed my fingers' nail polish ystd (: I almost couldn't adapt to my naked fingers ystd cos' they look so...colourless! K I've limited vocab erm. Maybe I should go repaint my nails again woohoo.
Okay so that shall be all hmm, i'm looking forward to tmrw HEEHE but don't want to tell y'all what i'm going to do..! (; Secrecy is the best policy!
Friday, December 12, 2008

So yes since I'm up and awake so dodobirdish early, I shall blog about ystd! Met the two JIAs(Jialing + Jiaying) @ Lot 1 Macs. Then walked for a bit before leaving for Jiaying's house!! Intended to play bball again but when we reached the court it was occupied and so we were damn sianz :/ Loitered around void decks and we kept moving in the shade!
After that walked to my house under the hotto sun. Went to pool! Took a lot of photos ystd and so I doubt I'm going to upload every single picture because it'd be crazeh! :D
Sakae buffet @ Lot 1 for lunch + dinner after that!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I wanted you
On that day xinyi was ridiculously vain and she complained over nearly everything of herself. Ok I complained too but not till the extreme extent(!) Pimples..dark eye rings.. droppy eyelids oh sighz. She requested these to be posted up :
She was complaining~
XY: walao ystd i went to pluck my eyebrows, see now no more hair alrdy lah!
V: Wa. Then you now famous already leh right?!
XY: Huh why!
V: Like Mona Lisa what no eyebrows!!!
Another one~
XY: Ey damn sad my face so squarish!
V: -.- people must like you a lot then, you good character leh.
XY: Lool why? Cos square face equals to decent meh.
V: No lah, cos you are FAIR and SQUARE.
(As in her skintone is fair)
She couldn't stop laughing after that she's such an idiot LOL just kidding just kidding. Oh & we randomly decided that we need a boyfriend!!! For christmas, one night deal, anyone? :D HAHA. just kidding. the stupid girl needs one no thanks for me.
Wednesday was last minute decision to be out with ling, candice and michelle! Walked around town then decided to head over to Marina Square. Intended to bowl but lanes were full, intended to pool but IC was required(WTH), settled for 10-minutes-arcarde thing which weren't very helpful. Then finally decided to go KBOX and sang till 6 plus. Homed & Onlined. by night time Wednesday's certified as the worst day of the week(as of now) !!
Bloody hate scums!
Today(Thursday)'s outing will be updated soooon I've got loadsa pictures to upload so not now ok I'm way too lazy!! :P Okay so that's all people I'll be back again sooooon!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Unusual you
Deleted the previous post because it's rather senseless hmm. I think I've lost the passion for blogging recently... So yeah I'd probably go semi-MIA. Proper updates only when I'm back into the blogging mood.
A couple of days ago I said I've decided that it was time for me to find a new thumbdrive, or some external disk to replace my current hard disk. I thought I could too, and I really wanted to get a new thumbdrive, everyone loves new things, right? So I went to shop for thumbdrives and I thought I found one that appealed to me. However when I asked myself what i truly wanted, I felt the need to keep my current hard disk so badly. Then I realised that the thumbdrive I've found wasn't really suitable for me afterall, it's a pity. So in the end, I chose to keep the hard disk, even though it's already spoilt - and I'm not even sure if I've made the right decision.
It's bad when we're caught in dilemma because it's extremely difficult to make a choice. & the bad thing is, whichever choice you've made, you'll regret it sooner or later - that's just part of human nature. I know there's only one person in the world who'll understand my above story, it's good like that because I like secrecy. Best part is, that only person most likely won't get to read this story either. Fantastic.
Okay right I gtg off to meet xinyi later on alrdy so goodbye!
A couple of days ago I said I've decided that it was time for me to find a new thumbdrive, or some external disk to replace my current hard disk. I thought I could too, and I really wanted to get a new thumbdrive, everyone loves new things, right? So I went to shop for thumbdrives and I thought I found one that appealed to me. However when I asked myself what i truly wanted, I felt the need to keep my current hard disk so badly. Then I realised that the thumbdrive I've found wasn't really suitable for me afterall, it's a pity. So in the end, I chose to keep the hard disk, even though it's already spoilt - and I'm not even sure if I've made the right decision.
It's bad when we're caught in dilemma because it's extremely difficult to make a choice. & the bad thing is, whichever choice you've made, you'll regret it sooner or later - that's just part of human nature. I know there's only one person in the world who'll understand my above story, it's good like that because I like secrecy. Best part is, that only person most likely won't get to read this story either. Fantastic.
Okay right I gtg off to meet xinyi later on alrdy so goodbye!
Friday, December 5, 2008

Jiaying came to join us after that & we walked around JP aimlessly before deciding to take the mrt. Looked at the mrt map and we were sorta clueless of where to head to. HAHA. decided to pop over to Expo to find sam at work! Hahaha. Bought BK meals to eat over there haha walau damn full. Spent ridiculously long hours @ hall4 itself , entertaining ourselves with the John Little Mega Sales! LOLZ. Super hilarious both of them are jokers omg I think i'm tired now because of all those laughings.
Wanted to buy the $9.90 pillow at first like really! However when the 'hourly special' came out, I was like ZZZ because SPECIAL PRICE ALSO $9.90. Wa, wanna scam us only. LOOL so in the end we didn't & only jialing got her pants from Esprit!
Left Expo and actually only got onto a train at like 7pm and we were still uncertain of where we're heading...HAHA. Then jialing was like "Eh cityhall leh wanna go?" Then I just "Okay lor gogo" & we just got off the train like that. woohoo. Walked around for a bit till like almost 9 before heading home, hahaha I'm so tired now.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Never think
Today's a pretty peaceful wednesday. Ystd(or today) aiya whatever, last minute decision to go to zhiwei's house @ like.. past midnight. wtfs, it was damn dark&scary at first when i left the house, walked to lrt station and took lrt. it was quiet... & I happened to watch KM31 ystd. So I was unusually timid last night. Text-ed some people to keep my mind off from the empty streets LOL.
waited for zw to reach the lrt station then we went 7eleven to buy drinks first before going back to his house. Slacked at his house, looked at chiobu(s) and shuai ge(s) etcetc! & Apparently we have slightly differing tastes.
We only slept at around 4 in the morn' and i woke up at 7plus, again. walau my insomnia is really hopeless. So I seeked my own entertainment : I FINISHED TWILIGHT! hahahaha ohmygoodness i think i'm going to be another of those girls who goes head over heels w Edward Cullen :D :D I think Edward & Bella are JUST TOO SWEET. ohman, so nice (: will start reading new moon soon then book's sitting nicely on my table alrdy wahaha.
By the time I finished it was almost 10am. Found food in the kitchen & ate. By then zw alrdy woke up but was still lazing on his bed so i forced him to get up because I wanted to head back home. However he didn't allow & bloodyhell kept the keys >:/ He told me to leave tgt since he's going out after that. Wa. So slacked awhile more.
& then I became like some part time maid or smth walau! He wanted me to make brkfast for him but in the end he just ate the pancakes hahaha. After that I sewed back a dropped button for him onto his vest. & then I ironed his crumpled shirt for him. Siao. He didn't pay me somemore, SIGH.
(P/S I think I luv my ears :D)
(P/S/S I thought said I don't want to hear sorry(s) anymore!?)
waited for zw to reach the lrt station then we went 7eleven to buy drinks first before going back to his house. Slacked at his house, looked at chiobu(s) and shuai ge(s) etcetc! & Apparently we have slightly differing tastes.
We only slept at around 4 in the morn' and i woke up at 7plus, again. walau my insomnia is really hopeless. So I seeked my own entertainment : I FINISHED TWILIGHT! hahahaha ohmygoodness i think i'm going to be another of those girls who goes head over heels w Edward Cullen :D :D I think Edward & Bella are JUST TOO SWEET. ohman, so nice (: will start reading new moon soon then book's sitting nicely on my table alrdy wahaha.
By the time I finished it was almost 10am. Found food in the kitchen & ate. By then zw alrdy woke up but was still lazing on his bed so i forced him to get up because I wanted to head back home. However he didn't allow & bloodyhell kept the keys >:/ He told me to leave tgt since he's going out after that. Wa. So slacked awhile more.
& then I became like some part time maid or smth walau! He wanted me to make brkfast for him but in the end he just ate the pancakes hahaha. After that I sewed back a dropped button for him onto his vest. & then I ironed his crumpled shirt for him. Siao. He didn't pay me somemore, SIGH.
(P/S I think I luv my ears :D)
(P/S/S I thought said I don't want to hear sorry(s) anymore!?)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
You found me

Anyway before the movie, we were at PS && we ate what i/shijia was craving forrr,
It never fails to make me happier, no joke. It's sweet in the mouth and heart k!
PIZZA HUT for lunch then!
Okokay, so after the movie it was raining to we trained to somerset! Went to the 77th Street @ Heeren. Leyi & I pierced our earsss!! I freaking pierced my cartilage! 'am happy though it hurts like fck at first (it's pretty alright now EXCEPT when i stupidly hit it w my own hands... -.-) Mummy nagged when I reached home ZZZ. hai.
Oh the $5 thread bracelet thingz I bought ystd!:
I'M HUNGRY NOW. Byebyebyebye. I hope I won't slap my own ear tonight...erm. Oh & btw Shijia pls grab the pictures you want from here k!
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