Anyway before the movie, we were at PS && we ate what i/shijia was craving forrr,
It never fails to make me happier, no joke. It's sweet in the mouth and heart k!
PIZZA HUT for lunch then!
Okokay, so after the movie it was raining to we trained to somerset! Went to the 77th Street @ Heeren. Leyi & I pierced our earsss!! I freaking pierced my cartilage! 'am happy though it hurts like fck at first (it's pretty alright now EXCEPT when i stupidly hit it w my own hands... -.-) Mummy nagged when I reached home ZZZ. hai.
Oh the $5 thread bracelet thingz I bought ystd!:
I'M HUNGRY NOW. Byebyebyebye. I hope I won't slap my own ear tonight...erm. Oh & btw Shijia pls grab the pictures you want from here k!
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