Pooof it became koko krunch!
LOL random I know. wooah I'm so full now I just ate noodles + BNJs ice cream. :D Alvin cooked the noodles for himself first, then another round for daki, and then my mother wanted to eat so he cooked again. Hahaha and lastly I whined that I was hungry so he cooked for me even though he complained that women are so troublesome but lala~ {:
School today was okay. After school jialing, shijia and I was heading for LJS @ JEC. Then we got the gay to join us! (: So the four of us happily went to eat at LJS and I blew my last 5 bucks! But nonetheless happy still. However my phone died on me and I was so sad T.T
After that went to JE library!! Haven't stepped into the lib for ages. Started studying! Did math all the way and I can proudly say that it's pretty productive! (: Completed 1 Amath Paper 1, 1 Emath Paper 1, and some 10 odd questions from some random papers within that 3.5hours. I was in the momentum of mugging kay srsly I didn't want to leave the lib when the clock ticked at 7pm leh!! Wow wow? And Shijia reminded me that we've had a lot of math during school lessons already! That makes us maths-siao for like..7 whole hours today?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
I kissed a girl

I'm quite bored now since there's nothing for me to watch on the television, yet. :/ Hahaha. My birthday's next week, but wow I'm not even excited for it this year I don't know why. So much for a sweet sixteen. & where's my birthday kiss huhh!!? LOOL.
Right. I feel hungry again. Hahaaha. Maybe I shall go out to get food, but I shall wait till the rain stops or something. Yupp okay bai.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
I slept at around 1am and woke up at 7 plus today because of the dream I had. :O Stupidstupid. The dream was like some big production or something okay! So many people involved in it. And it's all pretty ridiculous HHAHA.
Okay & Daki is back from taiwan!! (; Went to fetch them from the airport yesterday and we waited soo long okay! Lol. Hahaha.And I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. I think I might just pon , yes? Haha. Weekends are always over so quickly!! :/
Alright anway since I woke up so early this morning. I got bored and started browsing through my very messy pictures folders... Now y'all get to see some really old picz of us, some are really classic/unglam okay! LOL. Timeline from sec 1 onwards!! Our crescent life (:
Okay actually there are much moreee pictures. But blogger/my internet is quite slow today so that's all I'm gonna upload! (; Lol I'm so hungry now, I shall go find food to makan! :D
Okay & Daki is back from taiwan!! (; Went to fetch them from the airport yesterday and we waited soo long okay! Lol. Hahaha.And I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. I think I might just pon , yes? Haha. Weekends are always over so quickly!! :/
Alright anway since I woke up so early this morning. I got bored and started browsing through my very messy pictures folders... Now y'all get to see some really old picz of us, some are really classic/unglam okay! LOL. Timeline from sec 1 onwards!! Our crescent life (:
Sec ONE:
Yeay I want to JUMPP!
One photo only since sec 4's not over yet!
Okay actually there are much moreee pictures. But blogger/my internet is quite slow today so that's all I'm gonna upload! (; Lol I'm so hungry now, I shall go find food to makan! :D
Friday, September 26, 2008
Just stand up

& I forgot to bring my pullover today (!!!!) How unlucky to the max right. Was freezing cold lah! I wasn't even in the mood for any lessons today. Skipped lit because I was dying to get home.
Life is pretty mundane now, I don't exactly have any special thing to update and so don't mind if this blog post is too boring for you. School these few days have been alright. I keep having the urge to pon school everyday I return back from school. But in the end, I wouldn't because I'll keep thinking that it's our very last few days left in crescent ): To be exact, we still have three official days left in crescent!! But of course we'll be returning back to school for lessons/consultions still, then O levels. Yup.
Okay, I've made a mistake about a certain issue. Some things just cannot be replaced. Right. It's so hard to put all these into words here, nehmind. Byebye :D
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Littlest Things
Sometimes I don't know what's right and what's wrong.
Haha hello hello. Today was a long dragggy day. Got back our last paper(HCL) today. Shizz it's my worst subject. B4. But okay. At least I improved from midyears! Ha ha. :D And my prelims L1R5 is1311 :D, because my E math turned out to be A1 instead of A2, Bio A2 instead of B3, Combined Humans A2 instead of B3. LOL.
Oh yah. For those who didn't do as well as they wanted, don't ever give up alright!!!! It's possible to cut off 10 over or even 20 plus points for Os still!! we can do it together and get into our individual dream JCs okay okay okay. WE HAVE THE POTENTIAL! If we can't do it, who can? :D Jiayou jiayou all, 26 more days till first paper!!!! whoooo. Do I sound encouraging enough? Hope so hope so. (: Everyone must self-motivate! Last lap alrdy.
Haha okay. Got our guides cookies today! It's my first time ordering it believe it or not! The rest of the years I just koped people's cookies to eat. LOL. :D Hmmmm. Just went for dinner with family. I realized eating with family takes up the most time okay!! Like we spent two plus over hours out just for dinner. Hahahha, nevermind. Family bonding time :D Alright nothing much already so byee
Haha hello hello. Today was a long dragggy day. Got back our last paper(HCL) today. Shizz it's my worst subject. B4. But okay. At least I improved from midyears! Ha ha. :D And my prelims L1R5 is
Oh yah. For those who didn't do as well as they wanted, don't ever give up alright!!!! It's possible to cut off 10 over or even 20 plus points for Os still!! we can do it together and get into our individual dream JCs okay okay okay. WE HAVE THE POTENTIAL! If we can't do it, who can? :D Jiayou jiayou all, 26 more days till first paper!!!! whoooo. Do I sound encouraging enough? Hope so hope so. (: Everyone must self-motivate! Last lap alrdy.
Haha okay. Got our guides cookies today! It's my first time ordering it believe it or not! The rest of the years I just koped people's cookies to eat. LOL. :D Hmmmm. Just went for dinner with family. I realized eating with family takes up the most time okay!! Like we spent two plus over hours out just for dinner. Hahahha, nevermind. Family bonding time :D Alright nothing much already so byee
Monday, September 22, 2008
I gotta find you

B3s : English, Chemistry,
A2s: A math,
A1: Pure Geog, E math
Okayokay. I finished showing off my grades already LOOOL. kidding kidding only, it's so lousy I can't even get into SA lah!!! Nevermind, still got Os. Kay enough of these depressing shiz.
I want to get the Macbook Air desperately. It's so nicenicenice. Plus cheap lah, compared to our tablet -.- I checked and it's $1799, so worth it lor!! (: Oh and I want to get a bagpack toooo wahaha. Too tired of tote/sling bags recently idk why :O
Lool random but I feel so hungry now, I think I shall go out to buy dinner soon :D So byebye byebye.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Don't forget to remember me
Wooohz slept for 4 hours plus today, woke up at around 5am to send our darlinggz daki off to taiwan!! (going together with nainai & others) HAHA I haven't been to changi airport for so long! :O Went to T3 after that & it's my first time to visit T3, LOL slow I know. Breakfast at changi airport!! (:
Yeah see you next week!
Kay. Went home at around 9 plus plus. Then out again to causeway point at around noon. :D Shopping and WE BOUGHT PHONES.
Yes, That's an Iphone. & The other is Nokia 6600 fold. :D I can imagine daki returning back from taiwan and being shocked to see the Iphone wahahaha BUT it don't belong to her!!! Not mine either, duh. It's my mom's. AND the Nokia 6600 fold belongs to ME. HAHAHA YAYE NEW PHONE AGAIN. It's super chio + small lah, wo ai wo ai. (: whee went out for the wholee of today, feels so shiok though I'm tired. + so happy!(:
btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZHONGJIE again!!!!!! (: Love you to the max!
Time can erase memories,
But you're still not part of my history.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Love remains the same
Today was career day. Most sec 4s wore business/formal attire. I wore my mom's blouse,pants & shoes and kay I look so weird/funny! and WOW my feet were on the verge of dying okay. Super pain like banana shit. Haha. I wonder how working women walk with heels for their whole 30+ years with so much ease.
Today's programme:
The only highlights/nice talks today were SAJC talk & the career planning training things, did personality test and it was so fun :D The rest were boring.

classsssic! HsunI with heeeels. weeewooweet.
Haha, these are all the pictures I have in my phone!! The rest gotta wait till people send me, so group photos another time!(:
Oh & it was such a torture to go home after school, I could barely even walk lah! SAD. And I was horribly hungry like anything and I was so super glad my daddy bought Macs for me :D I felt so bliss. Though I still have difficulties to walk now, sian hate my fat feet!! LOL. People! Blog leh, so sian, I have nothing to read, sigh. Hahaha byebye.
Today's programme:
Haha, these are all the pictures I have in my phone!! The rest gotta wait till people send me, so group photos another time!(:
Oh & it was such a torture to go home after school, I could barely even walk lah! SAD. And I was horribly hungry like anything and I was so super glad my daddy bought Macs for me :D I felt so bliss. Though I still have difficulties to walk now, sian hate my fat feet!! LOL. People! Blog leh, so sian, I have nothing to read, sigh. Hahaha byebye.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Love lockdown
Sat in the auditorium for the entire day for talks and more talks! (sian + butt pain) & it was cold. Sat @ the last row. Took a few peektures :

After school, it was KBOX time(!!) Jialing lynnette zhongjie left for cine kbox first, while sam shijia leyi & I stayed in school for our class CWO.
Yeah. Corrective Work Orderrr. It was weeding the parade square under the hot hot sun!! The weeding part & sun were still alright, it's the squarting issue. Damn suan leh I tell youuuu. But the Dcomm were nice cuz they cut it to 30 minutes for us because the sun was really scorchingggg hot hot. Reflections after that. HAHA, we were like quite happy about CWO because we must like at least do once in our secondary school life, right? & it's class bonding time.
Then cabbed to cine. Sang sang sang. Celebrated Zhongjie's birthday early.(L)
Yaye drinks spam. :D Lol. And and we like left in batches. Lynnette & zhongjie left first. Then jialing & sam left. Then Shijia leyi and I left. (: Reached home at around 8 plus. Ate + Bathed then onlined :D
Hahahah & I'm left with some pathetic few cents in my wallet!!! LOL.
After school, it was KBOX time(!!) Jialing lynnette zhongjie left for cine kbox first, while sam shijia leyi & I stayed in school for our class CWO.
Yeah. Corrective Work Orderrr. It was weeding the parade square under the hot hot sun!! The weeding part & sun were still alright, it's the squarting issue. Damn suan leh I tell youuuu. But the Dcomm were nice cuz they cut it to 30 minutes for us because the sun was really scorchingggg hot hot. Reflections after that. HAHA, we were like quite happy about CWO because we must like at least do once in our secondary school life, right? & it's class bonding time.
Then cabbed to cine. Sang sang sang. Celebrated Zhongjie's birthday early.(L)
Hahahah & I'm left with some pathetic few cents in my wallet!!! LOL.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Big yellow taxi
Last day of prelims! Sadly, I'm not really happy-high-happy kind today. Especially now lah, super bullshit.
After the papers, went out with the two JIA(s) again :D Took freaking long to decide and I was being super annoying cuz I keep I don't know-ing but kept rejecting their suggestions. opps. In the end took train to cityhall there. cuz jialing wanted to eat chippy. I ate too! The cheesy sussage in mash potato. NICE.
Then we train-ed to dhoby ghaut for ICE MONSTER. & we freaking ate ONE bowl each!!! Somemore shijia and I ate the regular bowl, jialing ate the small one.
Jialing's durian + mango ice with mango sherbet!
Shijia's mango ice with mango sherbet!
My mango ice with strawberry sherbet!
Kay. And we concluded that ONE regular bowl for one person is wayyyy too much. Damn cold I tell you. But still, it's fabb hands down. :D
I can't rotate this pic, don't know what dimension shit problem!!

Jialing's contact process! LOOL so chem. & omg walauuu, my hand look damn ahgua here :O hahah.
Shijia emotional breakdown at Carls' Jr. wonder why? Sadsad. Cuz we're delaying her from watching her show by eating HAHA.
Freakkkk I spent like IDK how much on food again today. Shuckz I'm sucha glutton I can't resist temptations. I wonder if I'm ever gonna be able to save any money lor, depress shizz. AND AND, I want to eat Fried Mars Bars (!!!!!!) Soon.
LOL Jialing wants this in : I've awesome cute friends!!! I said it today! (but I kinda regret praising them lor... JKJK) :D
After the papers, went out with the two JIA(s) again :D Took freaking long to decide and I was being super annoying cuz I keep I don't know-ing but kept rejecting their suggestions. opps. In the end took train to cityhall there. cuz jialing wanted to eat chippy. I ate too! The cheesy sussage in mash potato. NICE.
Then we train-ed to dhoby ghaut for ICE MONSTER. & we freaking ate ONE bowl each!!! Somemore shijia and I ate the regular bowl, jialing ate the small one.
Kay. And we concluded that ONE regular bowl for one person is wayyyy too much. Damn cold I tell you. But still, it's fabb hands down. :D
Freakkkk I spent like IDK how much on food again today. Shuckz I'm sucha glutton I can't resist temptations. I wonder if I'm ever gonna be able to save any money lor, depress shizz. AND AND, I want to eat Fried Mars Bars (!!!!!!) Soon.
LOL Jialing wants this in : I've awesome cute friends!!! I said it today! (but I kinda regret praising them lor... JKJK) :D
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Accidentally in love

Didn't really eat any mooncake this year. :/ mooncakes are too expensive LOL. I took a 2 hour nap today afternoon. woke up at around 5 plus..
went to boonlay. walau the bus freaking long! >:X Hahaha. After that went to the void decks and played with candles with daki alvin & rongsheng. My first time seeing rs, and yalah daki. He's not that guai4 in real life. LOL. Damn joke. A lot of people walked passed. Then we scared they call police -.- moved to another corner, but still a lot of people leh! Burnt the newspapers and the fire got kinda big :O LOL. After we didn't clear up and just left. :P went back to JP. After that cabbed home (:
Kinda sian now. I should sleep early since there's papers tomorrow but I don't really feel like. booo. I wanna go gaigai and be like a taitai!! :D Yaye rhymes wheeee. Kay bye goodnight all(:
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