I just saw a mail from mrs leow and I just kept laughing at it!!! :

Woohoo. I studied solid 7 hours today omgrofl. (Except from occasional toilet breaks, meal times, and several SHORT break times.) Besides those is all hardcore studying okay!! Superb like anything! :D I'm going to stay away from internet until after 6pm(I've decided to 'knock off' from studying at 6pm, rest rest.)
I just saw a mail from mrs leow and I just kept laughing at it!!! :
"Dear girls,
Please focus during this crucial time for examinations. Not wise to plan for your GradNite at the moment. You still have 3 - 4 days to go round Singapore to shop after your last paper."
Like just so cute like that HAHAHA.
Like just so cute like that HAHAHA.

Woohoo. I studied solid 7 hours today omgrofl. (Except from occasional toilet breaks, meal times, and several SHORT break times.) Besides those is all hardcore studying okay!! Superb like anything! :D I'm going to stay away from internet until after 6pm(I've decided to 'knock off' from studying at 6pm, rest rest.)
I dug out my brand new chem TYS and started doing it. LOL i haven't touched it since we bought it last year :P & I siao-ed chem for almost the whole of today. Sad to say, I realized there's so much to mug for chem !#@!*%? and chem is the first paper -.- clap clapZXZX.
Bad thing is my earpiece is spoilt(since last week) ZZ so no ipod for me, sian. Depended on my phone instead and it just replayed 5 songs on my playlist for the whole of that 7 hours wooah lmao. :D But nice. And I can't stop eating lah okay! I snack a lot :O Too many nice things to eat liao LOL. [:
Okay I'm feeling the O levels stress now whooo coolshitz. O levels please don't let me down, do better than my prelims pleaseplease loool! omgz six more days(!!) I know the 1st & 3rd week sianest, a lot of papers. Prease let moi make it through the first week, 7 papers ZZ. Hope my (last minute) mugging won't fail me leh!!!
Yeah I love night time. because it means no studying for me. It means TV time. It means internet time. It means social life. YAYE. Omgg I think I sound so damn twit in this post HAHAHA whatever lah neyneh goooodbye love love.
(P/s Walau eh. Stfu lah you. Damn easily annoyed now so don't come and irritate me!! Text messages are really stupid unless you're someone I like to text. -.-)
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