*Note: This post is
SUPER long! && ULTRA IMAGE HEAVY (I took almost 2 hours to load all of them up....)* Post consists of before, during, and after
PROM! Before prom was good. During prom was better. & After prom was DA BEST. :D

This was the night before prom & daki did a pom-pom for my hair as practice! However in the end I didn't do a pom pom for prom. Slept at only around 3am that night& woke up at around 7!
Slacked & left home to meet sam @ JE to head over to Shijia's house at around 12plus! Leyi joined us soon after that! We cooked guo tie & shui jiao for ourselves to eat [:

Then we changed & makeup-ed at her house. HAHA and omg we're all failures as women cuz' we srsly can't do make ups ZZZ. Rushed rushed && cabbed over to
PARK HOTEL for prom at around 5 plusss!
Starting taking pictures @ the hotel lobby but my camera was super blurrrry w/o flash. ): So pardon any unclear images!

V & Sam!

Michelle & I

Hsun I! woohoo dress :D

Jialing damn chio can!

I luvv debbie's whole outfit but this picture is so blur sorry!
Leyi leyi leyi that blur queen!


Then we went up to the express ballrooom & we were waiting for FOOD hahaha! Hungry leh shitz.

Shijia & I !




Jingli jingli! :D


Crystal debbie & I :D + Yeewen behind... HAHAHA

Jolene me & my tautau!

Hsuni with hat!!

Nanthini :D

Para ~ :D

LOOOL I think we look so meng huan like angelzx. Bwahaha.

Shijia me leyi

Then we went toilet....


Piang I LIKE THIS PHOTO i look so demure can (:

Our table got THIRD for the lucky draw
I was sooo high!!!! :D
We thought we won't win anything because number 19 sounds so... leng men.
But at least our table was so damn near stage!

Ferind and I!


Fika! :D

Me Nita & Shijia (Sorry shijia unglam but not my fault i didn't take this!)
Prom dinner and games ended at around 10 plus. Then it was actually dancing time! HAHAHA the ballroom sorta turned into a club instanteneously okay. Some of us went to dance as well..some just left. HAHA we just anyhow go there shake shake okay srsly like clubbing!! Left the hotel at around 11 plus.
POST PROMThen.... It was time to
GO CRAZY. (but it was only sistaz half-force :/)
Leyi, Shijia, Debbie, Hsun i & I took off our bloooody heels and walked in town once we left the hotel! :D So damn shuang k. Walked from paragon to centrepoint barefooted!! [: Wanted to head over to ps initially but stopped @ centrepoint's macs :D

Hsun i gotta go home soon after that so the four of us just stayed in macs to slackslackslack! :D Then debbie realized that there was a lao tico pek who was sitting and macs who kept staring at us -.- BOLIAO SHIT. hahaha. Then we think he waited till he's restless then he left.

We only left Macs when they were closing.. at around 1? Hahaha then we continued to walk in town! Wanted to go K but then we decided that it wasn't worth it , like $26.50 + for 2 hours.. ? hahha so nono. & IT'S SO SAD BEING A MONDAY. Everywhere in town was so quiet. we almost combed the whole town & the only 24 hrs place available seems to be 7 eleven, even macs don't wanna open for us! Sigh.

Debbie's gorrrrrgeous heels !!

Terribly shagged we've no where to go :/
Then at like.. around 3? debbie's mum fetched us back to their house!! :D Quick showered & changed and it was SO COMFORTABLE WHEEEE. By that time, it was already around 4am. Decided to sleep for a while before catching the first train back! ;D
Woke up at 5 plus then leyi & I left debbie's house for first train home! Shijia that pig continued sleeping... LOL. Reached home around 7, bathed then mummy made me eat breakfast. I went to sleep at around 9 and woke up at 2plus just now! Okok I'm finally done blogging whoooo! (;