Moving on the sec two life, hmmz. I suppose it's the craziest year of the sec-sch life. Everything was good, no worries about anything at all. It was the time when I was so superly indulged in TW dramas, idols fanaticz stuffs and fell so crazily in luv with dean, & aaron in the later part of the year. It was undoubtedly the carefree year.
Then I've grown up quite a bit when it came to sec three. Loads of things happened to me in this year, smiles and tears. Both good and bad weighz equally on the balance. Suffered from drastic grades drop in school LOL L1R5 = 34 for midyears how bad is that?! Learnt to control emotions well and picked myself up from the disappointing results..
Now, secondary four, it's the supposedly 'golden' year. We're the biggest seniors in school hello!! Lived life happily. Please sec 4 is less stressful compared to sec3 okay, swear! I've became more.. quiet/dao/antisocial or whatever you choose to call it(esp to people not close to me). The year passed incredibly Os is almost finished already!!

HAHA okay sidetrack! Had subway with jialing @ lot1 after chem p1 today. [: Chem P1 is.. kinda bad I've got like 5 mistakes already. So many people in the forum only had like what, 2 mistakes? Rahz. it's bad like that. But heck it's over :D
Oh & I rediscovered the lip balm which I bought for OBS last year. Have been applying it for the past nights, but apparently it does little to help my nasty dry lips in which I've been complaining since start of Os. Sigh I DRINK WATER but somehow my lips still so dry and I think it's because of the prolonged-stay-in-aircon-condition that made it so dry..! :/
Okay lah I'm so angry alrdy I shall go off now & LOL this is a long + wordy post.
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