This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
Don't wanna hurt anymore
Anyhow, went tiong to eat Macs breakfast after lit paper yaye my hotcake w saussages ! Then walked around till around 12 &&& headed home for my TV :D My unexplained love for HK dramas.
By the way, we met qiushijia on wed! (Omg it's been like a month since we last saw her i think!) Headed over to JP's Pizza Hut for lunch, called shijia out to join us and so she did! (: I can't wait till 13th nov, there's srsly a ton of things I wanna do! I want to go out read storybooks watch TV watch vids shopping etc etc etc.
& I was browsing F21 just now.. & I got soo damn tempted to buy a whole lot of thing! I want to take part in spreeees, should i? should i not?
I want to get things like:

Plus I still got SO much more to buy. I think if I really join sprees I'll blow hundreds of bucks. Rwah, dilemma. it's the $$ issue, should i just spend and make myself really happy ? :D But then I'll suffer the cycle of poverty after all that splurging and I'll be pathetic I won't be able to develop (okay I KNOW GEOG IS OVER LOL) UNLESS I can get a decent job to earn moolahz. That's if I can..I'm seeking daki's help, com'on foreign aid help me develop!! HAHAHA okayokay stop. ZAI JIAN!
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