Friday, November 7, 2008


This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
I can almost smell freedom! :D Awesome sweet feeling wooohoo. TWO more to go and that's all!! Blissful feeling as soon as "Put your pens down" went after lit paper today. Great great we're like two steps away from celebration, I hope I won't be too ridiculous to miss Os after everything's over like some people!

Anyhow, went tiong to eat Macs breakfast after lit paper yaye my hotcake w saussages ! Then walked around till around 12 &&& headed home for my TV :D My unexplained love for HK dramas.

By the way, we met qiushijia on wed! (Omg it's been like a month since we last saw her i think!) Headed over to JP's Pizza Hut for lunch, called shijia out to join us and so she did! (: I can't wait till 13th nov, there's srsly a ton of things I wanna do! I want to go out read storybooks watch TV watch vids shopping etc etc etc.

& I was browsing F21 just now.. & I got soo damn tempted to buy a whole lot of thing! I want to take part in spreeees, should i? should i not?

I want to get things like:

I think this is so pretty!
I love the collar part the thick ropes makes this sucha pretty piece :D
&&& this is DAMN hot. So shuai & chio like anything!

Plus I still got SO much more to buy. I think if I really join sprees I'll blow hundreds of bucks. Rwah, dilemma. it's the $$ issue, should i just spend and make myself really happy ? :D But then I'll suffer the cycle of poverty after all that splurging and I'll be pathetic I won't be able to develop (okay I KNOW GEOG IS OVER LOL) UNLESS I can get a decent job to earn moolahz. That's if I can..I'm seeking daki's help, com'on foreign aid help me develop!! HAHAHA okayokay stop. ZAI JIAN!

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